The journal «Occupational medicine and human ecology» was created in order to expand information about new scientific developments in the field of hygiene, toxicology, occupational medicine, and molecular genetics. The journal’s publications provide the reader with timely information on modern approaches to early diagnosis of health disorders under the influence of harmful environmental factors, new scientific developments in the field of toxicology, Microbiology, molecular genetics, and positive experience in solving practical problems of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation. We invite specialists from scientific organizations, the Rospotrebnadzor service, higher educational institutions, ministries, departments, practitioners, employees of industrial enterprises, students, postgraduates and residents to cooperate. We hope that our scientific and practical journal «occupational Medicine and human ecology» will be interesting and useful to a wide range of scientists and specialists.
Chief editor of the journal «Occupational Medicine and human ecology»,
doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, honored doctor of Russian Federation and Republic of Bashkortostan,
honored worker of science of RB, academician of the Academy of Sciences RB
Akhat Barievich Bakirov